COVID-19 Schedule Update 05/08/2020

May 08, 2020

To Our Valued Patients,

Highland Family Chiropractic will move from an emergency only schedule and will be returning to routine and maintenance care for our patients.  We look forward to caring for you and your families during the following hours beginning on Tuesday, May 12th:

Tuesday: 3:00p-7:00p


Wednesday: 9:00a – 12:30p & 3:00p – 6:30p


Friday: 9:00a – 12:30p & 3:00p – 6:30p

Though we are optimistic with the current stabilization of confirmed COVID-19 cases, we must still be vigilant and ensure the safety of our patients, staff and community.  To that end, we are controlling the interactions we have with one another.  All patient visits will be appointment only, if you need to get in last minute please call ahead to make sure we have an appointment available.

1. One patient/family at a time is allowed in our office.

(Please wait in your vehicle or call 770.565.8151 to notify the office that you need assistance. we will call you or wave you in when we are ready for you.)

2. After every patient the staff will sanitize and clean affected areas.

3. If for any reason you have flu-like symptoms we ask that you postpone your visit until 14 days after your symptoms have resolved or after care and treatment have been completed.

4. If you have been traveling (international or domestic) we ask that you postpone your visit until 14 days after your travel date.

5. When coming in, each patient's temperature will be checked and they will be asked to sanitize or wash their hands for 20 seconds.

6. All patients and staff must wear a mask while in the office.

As always, we thank you for your trust and patience during this time. We are excited to see each and every one of you!

Dr. Ralph and Susan Schipske